Call for Paper – International Conference ICETIA 2017

Call for Paper – International Conference ICETIA 2017

Dear university academics, researchers, practitioners, and professionals in industries

On behalf of conference organizing committee, we are pleased to invite you to submit your full papers in the Fourth International Conference on Engineering Technology and Industrial Application (ICETIA 2017), 13-14 December 2017, Alila Hotel Surakarta, Indonesia.

Please read Call for Papers and download full paper template (here). Your paper should fill no more than 8 pages covering title, abstract, background, problem formulation, research objective, research method, results & analysis and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgements and references.

Click here to Submit Full Papers

Full Paper submitted to ICETIA 2017 will be reviewed by two independent reviewers. If your full paper is accepted, we will inform you and ask you to revise your full paper if there are corrections prior to the presentation.

The deadline of Full Papers Submission is 30th September 2017.

Click here to download Poster for important dates, fee, and range of topics

• Accepted papers meet a standard of quality will be published in American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings (ISSN: 0094-243X/E-ISSN: 1551-7616, indexed by Scopus) (+additional publication fee).
• High-quality accepted papers will be published on Journal of Engineering Research (JER) (ISSN: 2307-1885, Indexed in SCIE, ISI, Scopus, CAS, DOAJ, Springer’s GSJ and ULRICH), following the journal’s normal rigorous review process, and subject to a final acceptance decision from the journal Editor-in-Chief (+additional publication fee).
• Selected papers will be published on Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences ARPN indexed by Scopus, SJR, SNIP and integrated with DOAJ (+additional publication fee).

ICETIA 2017 is an annual international event hosted and organized by Faculty of Engineering, Unversitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS), Indonesia.

We look forward to welcome you in the city of the Spirit of Javanese Culture, Surakarta, Indonesia.

With Best regards,
Dr. Agus Dwi Anggono
Conference Chair

Find us on facebook: icetia-rapi
Follow us on twitter: @rapi_icetia

International Conference on Engineering Technology and Industrial Application (ICETIA)
Jl. A Yani Pabelan, Kartasura, Surakarta, 57162 Indonesia
Phone : +62 271 717417 line 248
Fax : +62 271 715448

[email protected]

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