Polman Astra faculty members are invited to submit paper to the following conferences below:
- http://iaesonline.com/eecsi/2015/, DD: May 5th, 2015.
- http://mkai.org/senka/, DD: May 31st, 2015.
- http://iccerec.org/, DD: May 13th, 2015.
- http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/ic3ina2015/, DD: June 1st, 2015.
- http://www.icacomit.org/, DD: July 15th, 2015.
- http://icici-bme.itb.ac.id/, DD: July 31st, 2015.
- http://icet4sd.org/, DD: June 15th, 2015.
- http://sntt.sv.ugm.ac.id/, DD: July 30th, 2015.
- http://www.teknoin.org/, DD: June 15th, 2015.
- http://conintech.org/icie-tma/, DD: April 30th, 2015.
- http://2015.sesindo.org/call-for-paper/, DD: July 28th, 2015.